Paolo Meo -


Costa d’Avorio – Scheda paese

person in white long sleeve shirt holding gray pen

Costa d’Avorio – 06 – Vaccinazioni

VACCINAZIONI OBBLIGATORIE FEBBRE GIALLA se…(la malattia) Il certificato di vaccinazioneper la FEBBRE GIALLA è richiesto a tutti i viaggiatori di età superiore a 9 mesi. VACCINAZIONI CONSIGLIATE VACCINAZIONI PER MALATTIE TRASMESSE DA PUNTURA DA INSETTI • DENGUE -la malattia E’

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luggage, travel, sunlight

Costa d’Avorio – 13 – In valigia

Preparare il proprio bagaglio con attenzione è un passo fondamentale per garantire un viaggio sereno e senza intoppi. Prenditi il tempo necessario per riflettere sulle tue esigenze personali e su quelle della tua destinazione. Ricorda che ogni oggetto che

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Black Elephant Near Trees
baby girl wearing black floral dress
brown seeds on display
body of water under blue sky during daytime

Costa d’Avorio – Scheda paese Leggi tutto »

Colombia – Scheda paese


Colombia – 02 – Alert sanitari

SETTEMBRE 2024 DENGUE:   Nel 2024, la Colombia ha registrato un significativo aumento dei casi di dengue. Dall’inizio dell’anno fino a marzo, sono stati riportati circa 673.267 casi di dengue, con un incremento del 157% rispetto allo stesso periodo

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Colombia – 03 – Clima, meteo e salute

  Situazione meteo attuale    La Colombia presenta una grande varietà di climi dovuta alla sua posizione geografica vicino all’equatore e alla presenza della Cordigliera delle Ande che attraversa il paese: • Clima tropicale caldo fino a 1000 m di

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person in white long sleeve shirt holding gray pen

Colombia – 06 – Vaccinazioni

Vaccinazioni obbligatorie • FEBBRE GIALLA se… Il certificato di vaccinazione contro la Febbre Gialla è richiesto a coloro che provengono da Angola, Brasile, Rep Dem. del Congo e Uganda, nonché per i viaggiatori con più di 1 anno di

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people gathering near outdoor during daytime

Colombia – 09 – Popolazione e cultura

La popolazione della Colombia è caratterizzata da una notevole diversità etnica e culturale. La Colombia, con una popolazione di circa 52 milioni di abitanti a settembre 2024, è un paese vibrante e ricco di diversità culturale. La maggioranza della

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luggage, travel, sunlight

Colombia – 13 – In valigia

Preparare il proprio bagaglio con attenzione è un passo fondamentale per garantire un viaggio sereno e senza intoppi. Prenditi il tempo necessario per riflettere sulle tue esigenze personali e su quelle della tua destinazione. Ricorda che ogni oggetto che

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woman stand in front of red house with fabric bags
A group of pink flamingos standing next to each other
white concrete bridge over the river
person holding dried beans

Colombia – Scheda paese Leggi tutto »

Aumento esponenziale dei casi di dengue nel corso del 2024

Durante l’anno 2024 l’Indonesia sta affrontando un aumento significativo dei casi di dengue che hanno avuto un andamento esponenziale rispetto agli anni precedenti.

A causa delle condizioni climatiche avverse e mutate rispetto a qualche anno fa, ossia innalzamento delle temperature, elevata umidità, piogge insistenti alternate a sole caldo, l’ambiente di tutte le isole è divenuto favorevole alla riproduzione delle zanzare, in particolare le “Aedes aegypti”, che sono vettori principali del virus della dengue e delle altre arbovirosi presenti nel paese.

Continua ad essere segnalata la presenza di rischio di infezione DENGUE per la diffusione sia nella popolazione locale che in turisti di ritorno da queste zone.

La situazione è preoccupante per il costante aumento dei casi rispetto all’anno 2023.

Maggiori informazioni sul nostro sito dedicato alla Dengue. Clic o tap qui.

Aumento esponenziale dei casi di dengue nel corso del 2024 Leggi tutto »

Al settembre 2024, la situazione della dengue in Brasile riferita dalle autorità sanitarie è critica.

Oltre 9 milioni di casi sono stati segnalati ufficialmente dall’inizio dell’anno.

I casi non denunciati sono un numero molte volte maggiore.

Questo rappresenta un aumento significativo rispetto al 2023 e rende il Brasile il paese con il maggior numero di casi di dengue nella regione delle Americhe.

Per maggiori informazioni consulta il sito web:

Al settembre 2024, la situazione della dengue in Brasile riferita dalle autorità sanitarie è critica. Leggi tutto »

Argentina – Scheda paese

children, kids, music
Wooden Cups on the Table

Argentina – Scheda paese Leggi tutto »

Nuovi e vecchi nemici (Covid-19 e Dengue) ‘rialzano la testa’. Intervista del Messaggero al dottor Meo.

Putroppo le preocupazioni per queste due malattie piuttosto aggressive sono in aumento tra gli esperti.

Il link che vi alleghiamo conduce ad una pagina web del Messaggero, dove il dottor Meo spiega i sintomi della Dengue, a volte molto gravi.

Qui l’articolo del Messaggero (link esterno)

Un ulteriore appunto dal dottor Meo:

“Da anni si manifestano rari casi autoctoni in cittadini italiani che non hanno viaggiato. Quest’anno sono stati segnalati alcuni casi in più, ma il fenomeno è determinato dalla situazione meteo ed ambientale così particolare. I casi, o ancora meglio la sensibilità dei medici, è aumentata nei confronti ti dei viaggiatori internazionali. Il Covid è in crescita esponenziale, la trasmissione della dengue, anche per i casi italiani, oramai in netta diminuzione. Ma non nei viaggiatori e nelle popolazioni che giungono dai paesi a rischio.”

Nuovi e vecchi nemici (Covid-19 e Dengue) ‘rialzano la testa’. Intervista del Messaggero al dottor Meo. Leggi tutto »

COVID-19, cases on the rise worldwide. Italy among most affected nations. Yes to vaccine.

Those who expected and trusted in the disappearance of the Covid-19 virus in the summer months 2023 were disappointed. In these months, after a major decline at the beginning of the year, in much of the world the virus has continued to spread and has resumed infecting without manifesting major symptoms and with low chances of being diagnosed having collapsed in the performance of swabs. We know that after the vaccination campaigns for COVID-19 in 21 and 22 around the world, the virus has learned to live with us and we have learned to live with SARS-CoV-2, but for the current situation of new case growth, most with no or few symptoms, attention to the disease must remain high. Let us remember the effects of LONG COVID, which has affected many of us. A good number of people infected with Covid have continued and continue to have discomfort and severe asthenia for months. Long Covid has been a widespread experience and has involved people of all ages.

And many of those reading this article still experience widespread and unclear malaise.
Fatigue, memory loss, altered blood sugar, cardiological imbalances, breathing difficulties, sense of smell and taste not returned to normal. Long Covid has left a mark and still can hurt.

The big problem I want to highlight and that those in the field have noticed since the beginning of the pandemic has been the diminished immunological response to many infectious diseases. We infectivologists and tropicalists, who are interested in diseases around the world keep tabs on the numbers of many diseases including dengue virus fever, malaria, measles outbreaks, acute and chronic lung diseases, and we continue to see exponential increases in cases compared to the pre-covid era.

The evidence is that the immune defenses of many populations have changed their response. Epidemics of measles, polio itself, the viral and parasitic diseases mentioned earlier, and the occurrence of almost unknown diseases have aroused attention in the action of this virus on global immunological systems. Therefore, attention should be maintained to the spread of the new variants of the virus especially on the population over 70 years old, heart patients, diabetics, bronchopneumopaths, and people with various chronic diseases.

In August 2023 officially, the WHO reported more than 1.5 million new infections worldwide. Specifically from July 31 to August 27, 2023. The upward trend stands at nearly 40 percent more cases worldwide and in Europe at over 40 percent more than the previous month. Officially, more than 110,000 cases have been reported. In Italy in August there was an 81% increase on the infection front compared to the previous month, making it the second largest country in the world in terms of the number of cases (about 30,000 in one month), behind South Korea, which counted nearly 1.3 million cases, up 73%.

South Korea also recorded a sad record of deaths: that is +199% in the last 30 days, more than 600 deaths. And Italy, for those who did not notice, recorded over 200 deaths in one month, an increase of +45%. Among the countries involved in these increases, China sees a growth in the number of monthly deaths of a +193% over the previous month. This is the scenario that emerges from the World Health Organization bulletin. Reported cases, estimated to be one-tenth of the actual virus infection figures, are highlighted, with nuanced and inconspicuous symptoms. Many of us, in recent weeks have suffered from respiratory discomfort, cough, cold, fever, difficulty breathing, and especially great fatigue. The cause of these symptoms may be due to infection and contact with the Covid virus. But practically no one has swabbed, not showing the presence of the virus.

Young people, adults in good health, and most of the population respond well to contact and infection with the virus, in its different variants, becoming infected but showing no symptoms. It is the elderly and chronically ill who must continue to be managed with caution. The more than 200 Covid deaths in August should give us pause.

For the numbers reported, we must continue to keep up our vigilance because it is the older and weaker individuals who can still be attacked and at risk with this virus. Anyone who is not feeling well at this time and is experiencing respiratory and other symptoms, first maintain contact with frail people with caution.
Encounters with the elderly and sick should always be approached in good health.
In a few days, the new Covid vaccine with update to the new variants will be approved by Ema and AIFA.
I believe that above the age of 65/70 years doing the vaccination becomes a preventive practice to be done, adding the flu vaccine as well. Getting the pneumococcal vaccine should also be considered.
Therefore, those with chronic diseases would also do well to consider performing the booster with the new COVID vaccine (diabetics, heart and lung patients, hepato- and nephropathic patients).

COVID-19, cases on the rise worldwide. Italy among most affected nations. Yes to vaccine. Leggi tutto »

Vacuna contra el dengue en el CESMET de Roma – también para ciudadanos extranjeros

La nueva vacuna contra el dengue (QDENGA) ofrecida a los turistas de todo el mundo que vienen a Roma.
La fiebre vírica del dengue está aumentando exponencialmente en muchos países asiáticos y latinoamericanos.
Millones de turistas de todo el mundo acuden a Roma a lo largo del año. Muchos turistas proceden de países donde el dengue es endémico y crea graves problemas de salud. En muchos de estos países, la vacuna contra el dengue (QDENGA- para los 4 tipos del virus) aún no está en el mercado. El Dr. Paolo Meo, director de la Clínica del Viajero Cesmet, sugiere a los viajeros que permanezcan en Roma unas horas o unos días que reserven una entrevista informativa y se vacunen en el Centro de Vacunación Cesmet. Cesmet también puede vacunar a ciudadanos no italianos. Es posible reservar la vacunación acordando el día y la hora en función de la disponibilidad de la persona y del centro.
Cuando reserve su viaje a Italia y sepa la fecha de su estancia en Roma, aproveche para reservar el día y la hora de la vacunación. Aproveche esta oportunidad: disfrute de Roma y dedique 10 minutos de su tiempo a vacunarse contra el Dengue, una vacuna considerada vital en su país. Nuestra experiencia es que la vacuna contra el Dengue no tiene efectos secundarios.
Haz clic aquí para obtener información sobre la vacuna y los costes, o envía un mensaje (WhatsApp o SMS) al +393466000899.

Información de la mesa del
Dr. Paolo Meo
Médico infectólogo
Director de Cesmet en Roma

Vacuna contra el dengue en el CESMET de Roma – también para ciudadanos extranjeros Leggi tutto »

Dengue-Impfung bei CESMET in Rom – auch für ausländische Bürger

Der neue Dengue-Impfstoff (QDENGA) wird Touristen aus der ganzen Welt angeboten, die nach Rom kommen.
Das Dengue-Virusfieber nimmt in vielen asiatischen und lateinamerikanischen Ländern exponentiell zu.
Millionen von Touristen aus der ganzen Welt kommen das ganze Jahr über nach Rom. Viele Touristen kommen aus Ländern, in denen das Dengue-Fieber endemisch ist und große Gesundheitsprobleme verursacht. In vielen dieser Länder ist der Impfstoff gegen Dengue-Fieber (QDENGA – für die 4 Typen des Virus) noch nicht auf dem Markt. Dr. Paolo Meo, Leiter der Cesmet Traveller’s Clinic, empfiehlt Reisenden, die sich nur wenige Stunden oder Tage in Rom aufhalten, ein Informationsgespräch und eine Impfung im Cesmet-Impfzentrum zu buchen. Cesmet kann auch nicht-italienische Staatsbürger impfen. Es ist möglich, die Impfung zu buchen, indem man den Tag und die Uhrzeit je nach Verfügbarkeit der Person und des Zentrums vereinbart.
Wenn Sie Ihre Reise nach Italien buchen und das Datum Ihres Aufenthalts in Rom kennen, nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, den Tag und die Uhrzeit der Impfung zu buchen. Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit: Genießen Sie Rom und nehmen Sie sich 10 Minuten Zeit für eine Impfung, die in Ihrem Land als lebensrettend gegen Dengue-Fieber gilt. Unserer Erfahrung nach hat die Dengue-Impfung keine Nebenwirkungen.
Klicken Sie hier, um Informationen über den Impfstoff und die Kosten zu erhalten, oder senden Sie eine Nachricht (WhatsApp oder SMS) an +393466000899.

Infos vom Schreibtisch von
Dr. Paolo Meo
Arzt für Infektionskrankheiten
Direktor von Cesmet in Rom

Dengue-Impfung bei CESMET in Rom – auch für ausländische Bürger Leggi tutto »

Vaccination contre la dengue au CESMET à Rome – également pour les ressortissants étrangers

Le nouveau vaccin contre la dengue (QDENGA) est proposé aux touristes du monde entier qui viennent à Rome.
La fièvre virale de la dengue est en augmentation exponentielle dans de nombreux pays d’Asie et d’Amérique latine.
Des millions de touristes du monde entier viennent à Rome tout au long de l’année. De nombreux touristes viennent de pays où la dengue est endémique et pose de graves problèmes de santé. Dans beaucoup de ces pays, le vaccin contre la dengue (QDENGA – pour les 4 types de virus) n’est pas encore sur le marché. Le Dr Paolo Meo, directeur de la Clinique du voyageur Cesmet, suggère aux voyageurs qui séjournent à Rome pour quelques heures ou quelques jours de prendre rendez-vous pour un entretien d’information et une vaccination au Centre de vaccination Cesmet. Cesmet peut également vacciner les citoyens non italiens. Il est possible de réserver la vaccination en convenant du jour et de l’heure en fonction des disponibilités de la personne et du centre.
Lorsque vous réservez votre voyage en Italie et que vous connaissez la date de votre séjour à Rome, profitez-en pour réserver le jour et l’heure de la vaccination. Profitez de cette occasion : appréciez Rome et consacrez 10 minutes de votre temps à vous faire vacciner contre la dengue, une maladie considérée comme vitale dans votre pays. D’après notre expérience, le vaccin contre la dengue n’a pas d’effets secondaires.
Cliquez ici pour obtenir des informations sur le vaccin et son coût, ou envoyez un message (WhatsApp ou SMS) au +393466000899.

Informations provenant du bureau du
Dr. Paolo Meo
Médecin spécialiste des maladies infectieuses
Directeur du Cesmet à Rome

Vaccination contre la dengue au CESMET à Rome – également pour les ressortissants étrangers Leggi tutto »

Dengue vaccine at CESMET in Rome – also for foreign citizens

The new dengue vaccine (QDENGA) offered to tourists from all over the world who come to Rome.
Dengue viral fever is increasing exponentially in many Asian and Latin American countries.
Millions of tourists from all over the world come to Rome throughout the year. Many tourists come from countries where dengue is endemic and creates major health problems. In many of these countries, the vaccine for Dengue (QDENGA- for the 4 types of the virus) is not yet on the market. Dr. Paolo Meo, director of the Cesmet Traveller’s Clinic, suggests that travellers staying in Rome for a few hours or a few days book an informative interview and vaccination at the Cesmet Vaccination Centre. Cesmet can also vaccinate non-Italian citizens. It is possible to book the vaccination by agreeing on the day and time according to the availability of the person and the centre.
When you book your trip to Italy and know the date of your stay in Rome, take the opportunity to book the day and time of the vaccination. Take advantage of this opportunity: enjoy Rome and dedicate 10 minutes of your time to get a vaccine considered life-saving against Dengue in your country. Our experience is that there are no side effects to the Dengue vaccine.
Click here for information about the vaccine and costs, or send a message (WhatsApp or SMS) to +393466000899.

Info from the desk of
Dr. Paolo Meo
Infectious diseases physician
Director of Cesmet in Rome

Dengue vaccine at CESMET in Rome – also for foreign citizens Leggi tutto »

Died of DENGUE viral fever at the age of 14 during a trip to Brazil

Matthew died at the age of 14 at the end of a stay in his grandparents’ country. The stay in a familiar environment gave many happy days. The days spent with his cousins and many friends. Then the illness, the aggravation and death.

It is now clear to everyone, haemorrhagic fevers caused by infection with one of the 4 types of the Dengue virus can kill even during an organised holiday trip. This virus, which is now widespread in most tropical and equatorial countries, is transmitted to humans by a type of mosquito, the Aedes, which is now widespread everywhere, even in Europe, and we are talking about the very common and widespread tiger mosquito.

from Messaggero Veneto of 30 July ’23

Matteo, a young Friulian boy of 14, had finished school and had flown with his mother to Brazil to spend a holiday, to meet his grandparents and aunt and uncle in the state of Parà, in Brazil. He had been living in the country since mid-June and was due to return to Italy at the end of July. During his stay, like many others, he had been bitten by those pesky mosquitoes, and at some point, for more than 10 days, he had begun to feel increasingly ill. First he was bedridden, at home, and then, his symptoms worsening, he was admitted to a hospital, where he was put under treatment. Within a few days, the situation rapidly deteriorated until his death on 29 July.

This dramatic event unfortunately confirms the dangerous nature of the disease and the need to pay great attention to insect bites, vectors (transporters) of the virus. Until now, controlling the territory and the presence of mosquitoes was the first and only prevention against the disease. We now have a preventive vaccine that works both in controlling the outbreak of the disease and also modulates the often dangerous secondary immune response in individuals who have already had the disease. The vaccine was approved by the US FDA, in December 22 by the European EMA, in February 23 by the AIFA in Italy.

To find out about the vaccine’s characteristics click here.
To find out where to get the Dengue vaccine in Italy click here.


The dengue virus, transmitted through the bite of the Aedes mosquito, most of the time remains asymptomatic, without manifesting itself in any way. And this is what happens in most people, both locals and travellers. Sometimes it can manifest itself with increasingly aggressive symptoms and forms until, in rare cases, death occurs. Treatment is aimed at resolving the symptoms of this immune response and inflammation, which can be particularly violent. Sometimes the disease is characterised by the impairment and collapse of platelets in the blood, with the risk of severe haemorrhaging. In these cases, transfusions and control of probable shock states become essential.
In Latin America, the first half of 2023 was a period of exponential and uncontrolled growth of this disease. In all states, the presence and reproduction of Aedes and the consequent spread of the virus, from human to human through the bite of these insects, was surprisingly high.
Brazil has had the highest levels of spread of this disease for years, but Argentina, Peru and Colombia have also recorded a significant increase in cases and, unfortunately, an important increase in the mortality rate, particularly in the first months of the year. However, Dengue with the other diseases, such as Chickungunija and Zika, are present in all the other countries of Latin and Central America and in all the Caribbean islands.

The drama of Matteo and his family brings us back in a stark way to the need to inform oneself seriously and consciously before a trip. Not to underestimate indications and advice. To know the real risks and the ways to avoid them. Our organism is capable of overcoming anything, but let us help it strengthen itself.


For the Dengue virus disease I would like to remind you again that there is now an effective and safe vaccine that is worth considering before travelling to endemic areas. FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS CLICK HERE.

Died of DENGUE viral fever at the age of 14 during a trip to Brazil Leggi tutto »

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C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e
C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e