Paolo Meo -

For Women and Children

For Women and Children

La libreria del viaggiatore:
volumi consigliati

Women of childbearing age, pregnancy: info, vaccinations        BOOK NOW
For information on infectious diseases, control tests, vaccinations, to-dos during pregnancy or in special situations: book your consultation online. You will be given the appointment with Cesmet.

Children: vaccinations, visits          BOOK NOW
Through “Clinica del Viaggiatore Cesmet”  Rome,  you can access the vaccination services for children.  Book your appointment online or write to

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C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e
C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e
C e s m e t . c o m C l i n i c a d e l V i a g g i a t o r e